in SODDO (Äthiopien)
Schulleben / Vita scolastica / School life
life 1
Speech given by Habel Yadesa, 14 years old, 6th grade,
at the hosting of the flag on 15th march 2007, Konto Girls’ School
(SODDO) Why I am attending a Girls’ School? I am writing this letter after sunset when the moon and the stars are high in the sky, It’s 9.30 p.m. The Ethiopian TV just gave the program called Female Horizon along with the songs of Abeba and Tigist who sing about the condition of females in Ethiopia. Before going to bed I reflected about it and put down on paper some of my thoughts. These songs express the common feelings of all African women and I, as a part of them, want to add my own feelings. Why, for instance, am I attending a girls’ school? Well, first of all I get an education that has more value than all the money you can get. Secondly I feel more secure. For example. Just a few days ago in our town at a mixed school a girl was shamefully raped in the toilet, the boy was unpunished. |
In our country people
think that females do not have the same rights of males, I think that we
are equal to them. I can work like they do and anywhere in the country.
We, Konto Girls, can do what men can do, in fact our society relies on
women and on their energy, African women shall overcome. We have a proverb, applied especially in the rural area, that says that women must not be rude to men, they have to show ’sisterly’ feelings by sharing their happiness and sadness. Let me tell you and Indonesian proverb: if a man lets a woman know what he has in his saving box she will marry him. Which translated into Amharic it says that women will marry for money and it means that women will be dominated by man and live in a backward way.
In our country and all over the world
women shall marry to grow and to age together with husbands helping each
other and loving each other. I even dare to say that we women are
superior The disadvantage of attending a Girls’ school is that we have no chance of meeting boys. However we have greater advantages in comparison with the girls that attend the nearby mixed school as I mentioned before. Well, we are patient, after the eighth grade, if we continue schooling, we will go necessarily to a mixed institution. [from URL] |